Wednesday, January 8, 2014

If you were stranded on a deserted island what would you take?

If you were stranded on a deserted island what would you take?....... Ask me this question and one of my answers will alway be mascara, yes I am very aware that this won't help me at all with getting off the island alive but that's ok! If wearing false lashes was an easy go to everyday I would but let's be realistic, nobody has the time or energy to put lashes on everyday so when I came across a tip for making your lashes look better (from Pinterest) I had to try it out. We've had those Pinterest fails that at the time seem really easy and fail proof but then we put the time and sometimes money in only to end the experience with a saddened attitude...... But not this time! 

What you'll need:

Eyelash curler 
Baby powder 
Make-up brush 

I've started to use an eyelash curler but it's not a must if you find them terrafying! Put one coat of mascara on then after both eyes are mascaraed up take your brush and lightly dip it into your baby powder and  brush onto the mascara that was just applied, after applying the baby powder you are free to apply as many coats of mascara as desired, I myself like to put at least 3-4 coats on but I can get a bit excessive! 

Here you go!  Sorry for the bad picture( it's a lot harder to take a good picture of yourself than I thought) the right eye has the tip I explained and the left does not! Try it out and hopefully you love it as much as me! Happy Mascaraing!